The Investigators – The Prosecutors – The Special Counsel – The Brains and Brawn Behind the Russian Interference in the 2016 Election…and Related Matters

by Joe America

You are witnessing the single greatest WITCH HUNT in American political history – led by some very and conflicted people!” – Twitter  2018 – Donald Trump post

OK, so let’s ask:  Just who did Special Counsel Robert Mueller invite to join the investigation and prosecution team?  Are they all Democrats – or is this just more Fake News?

We can start with experienced investigators and prosecutors with deep knowledge of: financial crimes, fraud, bribery, political corruption, national security, terrorism, organized crime, the Mafia, Al Aqaeda, cyber crimes, criminal law, Russia…and more.

A number come from New York – and that is significant, as Donald John Trump was born and raised there; his business base is New York; his father’s real estate business was in the counties of Queens and Kings (Brooklyn), where a number of the prosecutors and investigators honed their skills and built their reputations.

And that is where the Trump Organization is based and where the Trump political campaign was managed. And where Russian oligarchs today own various Trump-branded properties. And where meetings with Russian operatives during the campaign took place. And on and on and on.

Here are some thumbnail sketches – with credit to Business Insider and CNN Politico for their 2017 compilations and profiling as the investigation began:

Michael Breeben
Assigned part time to the investigation. His day job: Serves as the US Justice Department’s deputy solicitor general in charge of overseeing criminal matters. He argues on behalf of the U.S. government before the highest court in the land — has argued 100+ cases before the US Supreme Court – one of top lawyers to achieve this record. Expert in cell phone privacy (Fourth Amendment case he handled.) One of the top legal and appellate minds – “his loyalty is to the Constitution alone…” the compliments of Preet Bharara, former US Attorney – for the Southern District NY – remember, he was fired by Trump after refusing to resign. And remember that AG Bharara had authority to looking into everything going on at Trump Tower.

Andrew Weissmann
On leave of absence from the Department of Justice, where he leads the Criminal Fraud unit. One of the first team members. Was special and general counsel of the FBI when Mueller was the FBI director. Leads case against Manafort and Gates. Headed the Enron Task Force that led to prosecutions of 34 people. Was for 15 years a prosecutor in the Eastern District of New York, making more than 25 cases against Mafia bosses; is an expert on fraud and foreign bribery. In the Enron case, he reportedly pressured the wife of the company’s CFO and won guilty pleas from both husband (Andrew Fastow) and wife. Was involved in case with Felix Sater, who did business with Donald Trump and became an FBI informant helping to win cases against Mafia figures. He has donated in the past to President Barack Obama’s 2008 campaign and $2,000 to the Democratic National Committee before that.

A number of Eastern District / Brooklyn New York AG office that has won numerous prosecutions against mob families.

John Quarles
Resigned from the prestigious Washington-based WilmerHale Law Firm to join the team. Long-term litigator; he is the point person for communicating with the White House for the special counsel. Was a (young) assistant special prosecutor in DOJ during the Watergate (President Richard Nixon) period. Joined the Hale and Dorr (Boston-based) law firm in the Washington DC office; that firm merged with Wilmer, Cutler & Pickering and he joined executive committee of the combined law firm. Clients have included the National Football League, Apple and Volkswagen. He worked with then-law firm colleague Robert Mueller to manage hundreds of legal settlements against the auto manufacturer (diesel emissions fraud). Made contributions to both political parties.

Jeannie Rhee
Also resigned from the WillmerHale Law Firm to join the investigation . Was a deputy assistant attorney general under former AG Eric Holder, in the Office of Legal Counsel, advising the Obama Administration on criminal law issues and executive privilege. Involved in the case against the 13 Russian nationals for alleged meddling in the 2016 election; and, worked on Papadopoulos case. Tried 30 cases for DOJ. Represented Hillary Clinton in 2015 lawsuit (the email dust up) and also the Clinton Foundation, in 2015 racketeering lawsuit. She has given $16,000 to Democrats over the past 10 years. She is Korean-American. Defended (Obama’s) deputy national security advisor during House Benghazi Committee’s 2012 investigation.

Greg Andres
Recently: White collar crime defense attorney at Davis Polk & Wardell Law Firm. Worked at the DOJ, as deputy assistant AG in the criminal division. He supervised the prosecution of Robert Allen Stanford (remember that $8 billion Ponzi scheme?). Also worked in the Brooklyn, NY US Attorney General office when that office team was prosecuting Mafia cases. The Bonanno Crime Family threatened to murder him. Leading the case against Paul Manafort and Rick Gates (both charged with financial crimes). Expertise: “flipping” witnesses – got many Mafia members to turn on their organized crime families.

Aaron Zelinsky
For three years worked in US Attorney General office in Maryland – under the present #2 at the Department of Justice, Rod Rosenstein, who was then the AG in Maryland is now overseeing the special counsel work. Involved in the Papadopoulus case (guilty plea). In Maryland, was involved in prosecution of cases involving health care fraud conspiracy, food stamp fraud, wire fraud. In 2016 was recognized by US Justice Department for excellence in prosecution of organized criminal activities. Clerked for US Court of Appeals, for a GW Bush-appointed judge, as well as for two SCOTUS justices (Stevens and Kennedy). Worked in the US State Department during Obama Administration.

Rush Atkinson
Was at the US Department of Justice when he joined the team, working in the National Security Division (specializing in counter-terrorism and foreign intelligence surveillance). He’s been involved in the case against the 13 Russian nationals and three entities that meddled in the 2015 election (the social media campaigns). Was involved in indictment of former officer of Bankrate (wire fraud, securities fraud, etc.). Also involved in prosecution of Medicare fraud in Florida.

Zainab Ahmad
She worked in counter-terrorism as assistant US Attorney in the Eastern District of New York (Brooklyn, NY), went after 13 terrorists (since 2009) without losing a case. Profiled in the New Yorker magazine. She has spent more time talking with Al Qaeda members and other killers than any other prosecutor in the United States of America. Worked on the prosecution of Trump’s former national security advisor Michael Flynn (she was in the court room for Flynn’s guilty plea in December 2017).

Aaron Zebley
Left the WilmertHale Law Firm to join the team. Long-time FBI staff member, as a counter-terrorism special agent under Robert Mueller (when he was FBI director). Was Chief of Staff at FBI under Director Mueller. Was also an assistant US attorney in the national security & terrorism unit. Tracked down terrorists behind the U.S. embassy bombings in Kenya and Tanzania. Represented former Hillary Clinton aide who managed her private server. Was at the Department of Justice’s national security division. An expert on Al Qaeda and other groups.

Kyle Freeny
Was on the DOJ money-laundering detection team that was trying to get the profits from the “Wolf of Wall Street” movie-producing firm, after allegations that a producer had used millions stolen from the Government of Malaysia to finance the movie. She defended the Obama Administration in lawsuit on immigration (26 states filed a challenge to Executive Orders). Worked on the Manafort and Gates cases, with team members Andrew Weissmann and Greg Andres. Contributed small amount to Hillary Clinton 2016 campaign.

Andrew Goldstein
With colleagues Jeannie Rhee and Aaron Zelinsky, involved in the case of George Papadopoulos (former Trump campaign advisor), who has pleaded guilty to lying to FBI. Previously led the public corruption unit in the US Attorney office in the Southern District (New York), working for US Attorney Preet Bharara – who was fired by Trump. Prosecuted Democrat Speaker of the New York State Assembly (Sheldon Silver) on federal corruption and money laundering charges. (The case was recently ordered for re-trial.) Prosecuted three involved with “CityTime” – New York City kickback scheme (Democratic municipal government), examining 150 bank accounts, hundreds of thousands of documents, and interviewing 100-plus witnesses.

Brian Richardson
Clerked for SCOTUS Justice Breyer, then joined Mueller team. Yale Law grad. Worked for judges in U.S. District Court in Brooklyn, NY and in the Second US Circuit of Appeals. Worked with colleagues Weissman, Andres and Freeny on Dutch lawyer Alex van der Zwann case; he pleaded guilty to lying to investigators about discussions with Trump campaign aide Rick Gates.

Scott Meisler
Was an appellate lawyer in DOJ before joining the Mueller team – specialist in surveillance and fraud cases. Worked on Manafort and Gates cases.

Elizabeth Prelogar
She is on loan from the US Solicitor General office; fluent in Russian; clerked for SCOTUS justices Ginsburg and Kagan (both appointed by Democratic presidents). Was a Fulbright Scholar in Russia; expert in Russian censorship laws. Argued government cases before the Court, including question of whether the government acquisition of cellphone records of service providers violates the individual customer’s Fourth Amendment rights.

Ryan Dickey
As assistant US Attorney in Eastern District of Virginia; also, was at US DOJ Computer Crime and Intellectual Property Section. Expert in cyber crime prosecutions. Was involved in case against the Russians meddling in the 2016 election. Also, in the case against “Megaupload”, described by DOJ as an international organized criminal enterprise. Also, senior counsel in the case against the hacker – “Guccifer” – a Romanian national hacking Americans.

Brandon Van Grack
Worked in US Attorney office in Eastern District of Virginia, on national security, espionage and global crime cases. Handled Michael Flynn investigation. Has been involved in high-profile cyber and counter-terrorism cases, including that of Kosovo hacker who gave US service members’ information to ISIS. Also helped to prosecute a government employee who took classified documents with national defense information. The employee’s home was raided and hundreds of classified documents seized.

Adam Jed
On loan from the US Department of Justice, Civil Division – he is an experienced appellate lawyer. Was not a prosecutor – the only one on the team who was not (a prosecutor) said Business Insider. Worked on Manafort and Gates cases. In 2014 he received the “Attorney General’s Award for Exceptional Service” at the DOJ.

Question:  Are they all Democrats, as claimed on May 4th (and earlier) by Donald Trump? Did they all contribute to the Democratic Party?

On November 2017, responding to Representative Sean Duff (R-Wisconsin) that Mueller “brought in Democrat campaign donors at a very high level…”, PolitifactWisconsin wrote (November 2017):

Of the President’s characterization of all of these folks being prejudiced on political ground.

  • Six of 15 identified on the team made no contributions to any political party (at the federal level).
  • Of those who did, $62,043 went to Dems, and $2,750 to Republicans.
  • Three of the team gave $700 (in total) to the Clinton 2016 campaign; three gave $19,100 to 2008 or 2016 in total.

And then there is the Special Counsel – a man whose appointment was praised by both Republicans and Democrats.

Robert Swann Mueller III, the Special Counsel is a lifelong Republican. Under Federal regulations, he cannot select his team members based on political affiliation.

He is a decorated officer in the U.S. Marine Corps, serving in Vietnam (awarded Bronze Star for heroism; Purple Heart for wounds suffered; two Navy and Marine Commendations; Combat “V” medal; National Defense Service Medal, among many); served as combat platoon leader serving under fire.

He was in the US Attorney offices in San Francisco and Boston for a dozen years. He was named FBI Director just before the September 11, 2001 terror attacks by Republican President George W. Bush, and led the investigation after that terrible day’s events. He served to September 2013 (was reappointed by Democrat Barack Obama, has record of second longest service since J.Edgar Hoover).

He is a graduate of Princeton University. Holds Masters in International Relations, New York University. Law degree, University of Virginia, School of Law.

Character Revealing Episode

In March 2004, was called at FBI by Attorney General John Ashcroft’s wife – help!  The AG was at George Washington University Hospital for surgery; the Bush White House chief of staff and the legal counsel were coming to try to get the AG to renew wiretapping, which the DOJ ruled unconstitutional.

Then-Deputy Attorney general James Comey rushed to the hospital — with Mueller — to intervene, and threatened to resign. The Bush White House backed down. Mueller also prevented FBI staff from joining the CIA in “enhanced interrogations.”

Mueller joined the private sector WilmerHale Law Firm in 2014 and left to become Special Counsel on May 17, 2017.  A number of his colleagues on the team are from the law firm.

He was named Special Counsel by Deputy Attorney General (the #2). (Remember that Rod Rosenstein was appointed by Donald Trump; he had served as the US Attorney in Baltimore.)

Mueller’s authorization: to investigate Russian interference in the 2106 elections…and “any matters that arose or may arise directly from the investigation…”

If you were at those meetings in Trump Tower…if you were cozy with Russian operatives…if you messed with the voting process in November 2016…if, if, if.  Would you be sleeping well these nights with the folks described here on your case?

No wonder Rudy Giuliani is out there trying to break glass!

&  &  &  &

After you’ve read the above — Postscript on Monday, May 7 2018 — Why do pundits and the media say that Trump lies?  Perhaps because of things like this:

Donald Trump Twitter post May 7th